Asi que hoy es otro dia feliz. Me han dicho en la perrera que el cachorro negro que sale en una de las fotos esta adoptado por una familia. Menos mal porque es horrible sacar a unos y dejar a los demas....aunque sigue habiendo muchos alli......
Dos amigas mias, Elvira y Ainara, estan haciendo un trabajo increible en la perrera tambien. Sacando photos de los que hay y difundiendolos. Ya han sacado muchos asi. !Enhorabuena por ellas tambien! Pero hace falta mas gente que se dedique a esto.....
Today I have saved those 4 perros de agua(water dogs), well they have really been saved by Fabienne, a Belgium lady who has a shelter on the coast with around 350 animals. She continouesly sends dogs to other European countries. Home visits are done, follow up, contracts and all animals are neutered. She does an incredible job and has very good contacts with a German organisation for perros de agua so they leave quickly to their homes there. With those 4 she has already saved 9 in the last 2 months. I would give her many medalls because one of the dogs is pregnant and another one has a very ugly infection near her vulve. She takes them anyhow as she has a vet and a lot of help from volunteers.
The first photos are of the killing station (real good installations), the next one of my van transporting the dogs and then the dogs in her van on their way to her kennel.
The black puppy you can see on one of the photos has been adopted by a family. Great to know because leaving one behind is just terrible.....although there are many others who I always have to leave behind.....
Two friends of mine, Elvira and Ainara, are doing an incredible job aswell. They go to this killingstation and take photos which they publish in Facebook. They have already saved an amazing number of dogs. Thanks to them aswell! We need more people who could do this!
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