Hace unos dias que comente sobre Esperanza, la galga que fue encontrada, despues de buscarla, en un contenedor de basura en una bolsa. Es increible lo que aguantan estos pobres maltratados animales. La ingresaron nada mas encontrarla porque estaba mas muerta que viva. Muchos dias sin comida ni agua, apaleada y maltratada. Le pusieron suero, antibiotico etc y paso las primeras 24 horas que fueron cruciales. La llevaron a un veterinario especialista en traumas porque solo movia los ojos y un poco la cabeza pero no se ponia de pie ni movia las patas. Se hicieron radiografias y nada, se hizo un scan de la cabeza por si el problema estaba alli y finalmente vieron que lo que tenia roto era el cuello....Hijos de puta, no puedo decirlo de otra forma y no lo siento. La estuvieron apaleando despues de haberla dejado sin comida ni bebida. Que me gustaria hacerles lo mismo a ellos. Es indignante y frustrante que haya gente capaz de esto. Y a lo mejor es nuestro vecino....quien sabe....
A pesar de estar muy debil la han operado de la nuca y le han quitado unos huesitos que le estaban clavando en la medula. Una operacion muy muy dura de la que, de momento, ha sobrevivido que ya es algo. Esta en una familia de acogida con experiencia. Menos mal que hay gente valiente! Dependera como va evolucionando en los siguiente 10 dias....Yo desde luego le pondre una vela, rezare por ella y crucare los dedos y lo que haga falta para que esta niña valiente sobreviva y tenga una oportunidad de vivir una vida digna. Lucha querida Esperanza!
Some days ago I wrote about Esperanza, the galga who was found in a rubbish container in a bag. It is just incredible what those animals are able to support. The people who found her went straight to the vet clinic as she was more dead than alive. She was put on serum and antibiotics and survived the first 24 hours. As she didn´t stand up and only moved her eyes, they decided to take her to a specialist vet. They did the x rays but nothing was found, they then did a scan of her head and saw that her neck was broken. She had been beaten after having passed days without food and water. Son of the bitches, I just have no other words and I donot mind saying this here. I would like to see that the same happens to the people who did this to her. Why, why, why the hell????? It is outrageous and frustrating that people are able to do this. Maybe it is our neighbour......
Eventhough she is very weak they decided to do the surgery and take the small bone splinters away which were hurting her spine. A very severe surgery wherefrom she at the moment has survived. The following 10 days are critical. She has been taken into foster by an experienced family. Fortunately there are good and brave people around. I will cross fingers, put a candle and pray for her hoping that she gets through and will have the oportunity to live a deserved life.
Fight dear Esperanza!
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