lunes, 30 de mayo de 2011
Una buena semana/ A good week
Mi primer acogida/My first foster dog
domingo, 29 de mayo de 2011
Dama 2 en Holanda/Dama 2 in Holland
Esto es lo que escribe su mami de acogida en Holanda:
Está muy bien. El primer día no hacía más que mirar intranquila hacia todos lados, supongo que trataba de buscarte. Lloró un poco tambien pero se paso prontocon una salchicha tamaño Holandés.Ayer ya empezo a tener más contacto conmigo y a mirarme a los ojos directamente y a dejar que mi novio la tocara. Es tan dulce...Cuando estamos solas las dos se pone panza arriba para que la toque la barriga y la encantan los masajes en el cuello, pero si mi novio viene a la habitaciónse separa y se pone más tensa. Supongo que con tiempo se pasará.Aun así, el progreso está yendo super rápido, en solamente dos días ya sabe que está con nosotros y se fía absolutamente. Hoy la hemos dejado suelta en playay ha estado super relajada. A veces hace el amago de querer jugar, pero de momento se corta. Con tiempo.Intento hacer terapia con ella despacito en el parque, y si algo la asusta nos sentamos tranquilas cerca de ello por un rato para que veaque no pasa nada. De momento las bicis la dan mucho miedo, los hombres y los ruidos fuertes. Creo que la mayoria de los miedos se iran pronto,ya que aquí la vida es mucho mas relajada y tranquila que en España.Come estupendo y la mimamos un monton con premios y carne cada vez que se relaja cuando la tocamos.La encanta dormir sieta al lado mio, pero cuando mi chico viene a la cama, directamente ella se va a la suya.Bueno, sólo eso de momento. Que muchas gracias por haberla rescatado y cuidado hasta ahora y que sepas que esta bien,en buenas manos y en un país dondepor suerte todo el mundo ama a los animales.Un abrazo desde Amsterdam"
This is what her foster mum tells me from Holland:
She is doing very well. The first day she didn´t stop looking around, unquiet, probably she was looking for you. She cried a little bit but that stopped quickly as soon as I gave her a Dutch size sausage. Yesterday she already started looking for contact with me and let my boyfriend touch her. She is sooooo sweet! When we are toghether she lays on her back and wants me to carress her on her belly and she loves getting a massage in her neck. When my boyfriend comes she gets a bit tense again. I suppose that that will change in a short time. Nevertheless the adption process is going very quickly. In two days she knows already that she is with us. Today we let her free on the beach and she was very relaxed. She sometimes does like she wants to play but then she stops. She just needs time. I will do teraphy with her. She is frightened of bicicles, men and noises when she is outside. I then sit down with her and show her that nothing will happen. I think that her fears will disappear soon because life is much more quiet here than in Spain. She eats very well and we spoil her with cookies etc every time she gets relaxed when we touch her. She loves sleeping siesta with me on the bed but when my boyfriend arrives she jumps on her own bed.
This is it for the moment. Many thanks for having rescued her and having looked after her. Just want you to know that she is in good hands and that she is living in a country now where animals are respected.
Love from Amsterdam.
jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011
Algo diferente / Something different
Dama 2 / Dama 2
domingo, 22 de mayo de 2011
Lo que te hace seguir luchando contra la barbarie que cometen algunos malnacios con los animales es cuando ves que hay gente valiente y entregada. Lo que debe de estar pasando esta familia de acogida tiene que ser muy duro. Ver como sufre este animal precioso dia a dia, ver que la recuperacion es lenta y pensar que quisaz no saldra bien de todo este proceso de curacion tiene que ser dificil. Parece ser que tiene sensibilidad en las 4 patas. Y desde luego se hace notar cuando necesita algo: Protesta, llorisquea, grita. Animalito. Que suerte ha tenido que haya sido salvada. Lucha Esperanza! Te espera una vida que nunca habia conocido y que tanto te mereces tu y tus semejantes!
What makes me continue to struggle against the cruelty of some malicious people is when you see that there are brave people like the ones who are fostering Esperanza (Hope). They must pass through terrible moments seeing how she is suffering with no certainity that she will recover totally, Her recovery is very slow and noone knows if she will recover totally. At least she has feeling in her 4 legs. And she makes herself known when she needs someting: crying and shouting, protesting. She has been so lucky to have been rescued. Fight Esperanza! There is a life waiting for you whcih you could never have imagined!
Brenda, una niña nueva para el refugio/Brenda, a new girl at the kennel
ya llego el calor/temperatures are starting to get high
miércoles, 18 de mayo de 2011
Addy y Paloma esterelizadas hoy/Addy and Paloma neutered today
Mira estas dos pobres. Ya estaban con tranquilizante cuando les hize la foto. Siempre me da mucha pena hacerles esto pero bueno, hay que hacerlo y lo tienen que pasar (y yo tambien...) He llamado a la clinica y las dos estan bien y dentro de un rato las voy a buscar. Ahora hay que cuidarlas y darles muchas vitaminas para que se recuperen bien. En 10 dias ya habra pasado.
Look at those poor darlings. When I took this photo they had already been tranquilised. I always feel very sorry to do this to them but ok, it has to be done and they have to pass it (and so have I..), Just called the clinic and they are both fine and I will pick them up in a while. Now I have to specially care for them and give them lots of vitanmins so they recover well. In 10 days it will be all over!
Mi preciosa Dama 2 esta de suerte/My loved Dama 2 has been lucky
martes, 17 de mayo de 2011
Otro tipo /Another kind
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011
esperanza sigue luchando/esperanza continues to struggle
mis niñas nuevas/ my new girls
But anyhow, those are my 3 new black beauties. They are very sweet and donot stop asking for love. And of course they will receive that from now on. They have adapted very well to this new change in their lifes. Poor animals! From their life with the galguero to the killingstation and now to a new place but at least they start feeling love for the first time in their life! But my experience tells me that eventhough it takes time for them to digest a new change. But fortunately, those girls have finally started to live a deserved life . I hope they will find a forever home soon! Meanwhile we will give them all the love they had to miss till now.