domingo, 16 de octubre de 2011

Mi querido Sam/My beloved Sam

Este guapisimo cruce de galgo estaba en el refugio desde Junio, sacado de la perrera. Era uno de estos pobres perros que, por ser cruce, tenia dificil adopcion. Que culpa tendria el? Dificil de "vender" en fotos porque las fotos de los perros negros no les suelen hacer justicia. Sam es un perro increiblemente cariñoso y muy alegre. Adora a las personas. Cuando las ve se pone a dos patas para recibir besos y caricias. Tiene caracter como buen macho grande que es y se notaba su presencia en el refugio. Digo"se notaba" porque Sam ha encontrado su alma jemela en uno de los voluntarios! Fue un flechazo entre ambos. Y que cambio ha dado! Vive en un piso pero su nuevo dueño lo saca mucho y lo deja correr en los parques vallados para perros que por fin hay en Malaga, gracias a la insitencia de las animalistas. Como le echo de menos! Hoy lo he visto en un evento organizado por el colegio de veterinarios y el ayuntamiento, contra el abandono, maltrato y demas barbaridades y cuando nos hemos visto nos hemos puesto muy contentos! Yo emocionada de verlo alli, tranquilo entre mucha gente y muchos perro. El voluntario lo llevo el otro dia al refugio y no querria entrar! Que listo! Le pregunte al adoptante como se portaba en casa y me dijo: Bien! Bueno, ha rota cojines, tiro un plato que habia en la encimera de la cocina etc. Eso es ser animalista! Entender que un animal "salvaje" necesita su tiempo de adaptacion. No puedo expresar la felicidad que siento saber que este precioso animal va a vivir una vida feliz para siempre! Te quiero mucho Sam y se que estas en muy buenas manos!!!!
This beautifull galgo mix was in my shelter since June. I saved him from the death row. He was one of those poor dogs difficult to adopt because he is a mix. Was not his fault! Difficult to "sell" because photos of black dogs donot make justice to them. Sam is a marvelous dog, very alive and sweet. He loves people and stands on two legs to kiss them and receive love. He has a caracter and his presence was noticed whilst he was at the shelter. Yes, I say "was" because Sam has found his twin soul in one of the volunteers. It was love at first site from both parts. And how has he changed! He lives in a flat but his owner takes him out very often for long walks and runs in the specially fenced dog park in Malaga. I miss him very much! I saw him today in an event, organised by the veterinary university and the townhall. The event was agaist mistreatment and abandonement and other horrors people do to animals in general. When we saw each other we were sooooo happy! I was totally emocioned. He behaved perfectly amongst the crowd of people and dogs. The volunteer who has adopted him took him the other day to the shelter and he didn´t want to go in....Suppose just in case he would have been left there again. Clever boy! I asked his owner how he was behaving and he said: Fine! Well he has torn various cushions and a dish which was in the kitchen etc....That is a person who really cares because he understand that a "sauvage" animal needs his time. I donot know how to express how happy I am knowing that Sam will now have a great life forever! I love you Sam and I know that you are in good hands!

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