No me llega el tiempo de escribir todo lo que acontece....son demasiadas cosas para mi sola pero bueno, hay que seguir. El
miercoles por la tarde tuve que tomar la
decision de dormir a la que llevaba ingresada desde que la saque de la perrera pero
ademas tambien tuve que sacrificar a
Astra, la negrita...
Despues de que me dijeron en la otra
clinica que tenia un
pinzamiento, la vi al
dia siguiente y estaba horrible. Se le iba la cabeza de un lado a otro, la mirada fija espantada. Se dejaba
tocar sin problemas....y eso habia sido imposible antes. Total, menos mal que ese
dia estaban mis dos hijas para ayudarme y se la llevaron de nuevo a la
clinica. Yo ya
habia llevado a un macho a mi veterenario para castrar y lo tenia que recoger por la tarde. Para resumir: Descubrieron que tenia moquillo avanzado y le
habia atacado ya al celebro. Consejo del veterinario:
dormirla para que no sufriera mas, no tenia remedio. Vaya vaya, cuanto sufrimiento en tan poco tiempo.... Lo peor del moquillo es que es
supercontagioso asi que he empezado a desinfectar las jaulas pero no tengo ayuda suficiente para hacerlo todo a la vez, ni sitio para meterlos perros para que no se intoxiquen. Cruzo los dedos para que
ningun otro lo coja. Creo que la "suerte" que hemos tenido es que fue muy fulminante, ni estornudo, no
tosio pero me dicen que
tambien se contagia por heces y imposible desinfectar todo ese terreno
enorme, las jaulas si. Vamos a ser positivos y pensar que no
habra ninguno
mas con esta enfermedad tan cruel. Hoy otra vez al veterinario con el que se castro y con el que se castro hace 2 semanas y no se le cura la herida...nunca he visto tantos casos problematicos juntos. El que castro mi veterinaria esta perfecto....que diferencia. Ayer preparando el transporte. Menos mal que gracias a mi amiga Elvira se pudieron bañar! A mi no me hubiera dado tiempo. Esta mañana me he levantado a las 6 para enviar a 3 galgos al norte por carretera. Se iban a llevar 6 pero no pudieron traer la furgoneta grande asi que hoy 3 y el domingo os otros 3. 5 de estos son de los ultimos que saque del paraiso, difundi y encontre solucion en Valencia, Murcia y Barcelona. Yo me quedo con 2 porque en total eran 9(saque 2 ayer), entre ellos la que tuve que sacrificar. Otra que ya llevaba tiempo esperando adopcion se ha adoptado en Belgica y la han llevado a Yunquera donde la recogen y se la llevan a Belgica. Vaya organizacion! Asi que poco a poco me voy quedando en un numero mas razonable y espero que enferme ninguno mas y pueda empezar a llevar esto mas tranquilamente. Lo que pasa siempre con estas cosas: Al principio todo el mundo dice que te ayuda y al final nos hemos quedado unos pocos que me ayudan a limpiar. Gracias a Dios! Pero el peso de todo lo llevo yo sola y tengo que parar porque me esta costando la salud. Ya he adelgazado 4 kilos.....cosa que no esta mal porque no gasto dinero en gimnasio..... ...........................................................................................
Unfortunately I have had two horrible weeks. One of the 5 females died in the operation when I neutered her. One of the neutered males had to be taken to a 24 hour clinic with urgency because he didn´t stop bleeding. He stayed there for 2 days. The other male had similar problems and still hasn´t healed.....Of course this is the last time that I use this vet. He is a great person and charges less than others because he helps the shelters a lot but at the end it is worthwhile to spend more money because I have to spend it in clinics and medecines. I took one of the ones I took out of the killingstation last Friday straight to the 24 hour clinic because she was in a terrible state. Only weight 14 kilos instead of 22....She got worse every day so the vet and I decided that it was better to put her to sleep. This was last wednesday. She had erlichea in a very advanced state. That same afternoon I had to take Astra, the black traumatised one, to the vet. Astra was a galga which I took out on the 15th of January. She didn´t let anybody approach her, totlly traumatised with human beings. When she was out she was a happy dog, playing with the other, eating well etc, but no cntact with humans even after the three months we have taken care of her. She started to be weaken her backlegs. As I couldn´t catch her to take to the vet, the vet said to give her antibiotics to try. No improvement. So I decided to give her tranquilizers and that helped although evenso she struggled and we couldnot manage her. The vet had to put her anestesia injections twice. Finally they could take her blood for a test and do x rays. Nothing was show on either tests....They said to continue with the antibiotics but the next day she was worse. We could even carress her. Finally!! So I went to the 24 hour clinic (that is another good clinic further away because my vet doesnot have that service)in case she needed special care during the night. They looked at the xray and said she had a clamp in her spine. A different treatment and vitamins. Back again to the shelter. The next day she was worse again so back again to the 24 hour clinic. She had a very strange look and didn´t move her head normally, fell over every time she wanted to walk. Finally they did the test for "moquillo" ( I think it is called the sneeze disease..)and that there was no way of treatment. So we decided to put her to sleep aswell. Two at the same time. Terrible, frustrating, so so sad. Now they were about to start to live a deserved proper life..... The next day I went to pick up two new ones from the killing station and prepare three dogs for transport the next day (today)at 6 in the morning (!). Thank to a friend of mine, Elvira, who came and bath them. I wouldn´t have had time. The problem as usual is that people say: Oh, how nice what you do. I am going to help you clean etc. That is when you start but once they see that you have to go there every day and clean, it rains, it is warm etc they quit. So I now only have a few who come and clean but the responsibility of all is just for me on my own. It is not just cleaning and feeding. Lots of emails finding homes, fosters for the ones who continuousely come in, vet visits, neutering, blog, the house and my 5 dogs. I have to be carefull and try to stop a little, if not my health will be ruined. I have lost 4 kilos in 3 gym, haha. Anyhow, I suppose that every beginning is hard and that I will learn to do it better....I hope. .