lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Come y bebe!!!/Eating and drinking!!!

Ay mi niña bonita! Hoy despues del goteo hemos vuelto al refugio y ha comido bastante y.....ha tomado agua! Ya tiene otra cara y ademas ha liado una en la clinica que no veas! Hoy le pusimos el collar Isabelino(yo lo llamo embudo) para que asi me pudiera ir pero se lo quito, rompio su correa y....abrio la puerta del cuarto en el que estaba. Es buen simtoma porque se ve que esta volviendo a ser traviesa. Pero mañana me toca estar las dos horas con ella otra vez para que no se quite la sonda. Que le vamos a hacer. Parece que esta mejorando. Ojala que se cure.


My little beauty!
Today, after the daily clinic visit, we went back to the shelter and she ate her chicken, rice and ham and....drank water all by herself! She has a much better look in her eyes and she made a mess in the clinic. Today we used a plastic cap so she couldn´t take the needle out so I could leave her there instead of staying for 2 hours. So many things to do! She made a mess of it. Broke her cap, broke her leash and....opened the door of the room she was in......Yes! But that is a good sign as she is getting strong and naughty. Great! Although it means that I will have to stay with her tomorrow again for two hours.....Well, she deserves it! I hope so strongly that she will make it!

1 comentario:

  1. Cuanto me alegro mami !! Es una luchadora, a ver si lo consigue. Besotes
