martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Telma, mi podenquita/ Telma, my little podenca

Esta preciosa podenca a la que he llamado Telma en honor a una amiga de EEUU de GRIN estaba destinada para mi. Voy por una carrtera y veo un podenco comiendo algo, que resulto ser un vomito, en el arcen de una carretera. Me paro y intento cojerla. No habia forma, se asustaba, como suele pasar. No insisti demasiado porque me daba miedo que se fuera hacia la carretera. Con toda la pena de mi alma me fui. Una hora despues me llama una de las voluntarias llorando: acababa de atropellar a una podenca y ¿que hace?. Pues nada, llevarla al veterinario que cuando yo pueda voy. Cuando cuelgo recuerdo que la chica en cuestion vive por la zona donde yo habia visto a la podenquita. Y pense: ¿Sera la que intente cojer? Cuando llego al vet la veo y SI....era ella. Estaba destinada que yo la salvara!
Resulta que tenia chip y el dueño no contestaba al telefono asi que mi vet ya habia llamado a la perrera.....Cuando me entero digo: ¿COMOOOOO?, Ni hablar. Me hago responsable. Como parecia que tenia fractura, ya eran las 20.00 horas y mi vet no tiene guardia, la llevaron a un hospital a una 1/2 hora. Alli ingreso el jueves dia 9 Febrero y hoy la he podido sacar y la he puesto en una buena pension ya que no tengo sitio en el refugio. Es increible la suerte que ha tenido. No ha necesitado cirurgia, anda cojita de la pata izqda delantera pero, segun las radiografias, no tiene nada roto. Si parece que el rabo esta dañado porque pasaria la rueda por encima. No se le ve nada aparentemente pero hay que vigilarlo y si se pone mal, amputarsela.
Ahora lo mejor: Me llama el cazador, dueño de la perra y me dice que a la perra la entrego a la perrera hace 4 dias......Llamo a la perrera y resulta que de alli se habia escapado. habian intentado "cazarla" sin exito. Mi niña ha tenido mucha suerte de ser atropellada por una de mis voluntarias!! Si no, hoy ya estaria muerta. Se pondra bien y es muy muy dulce.

This little podenca which I have called Telma in honor to my dear friend from GRIN USA who helps a lot to safe galgos and podencos from so far, was destinated to me for sure.
I came back from the killingstation and saw her next to the road. I stopped and turned round and tried to catch her. But she was very shy and I was afraid of frightening her more and she could run away crossing the road. So I had to leave her with all the sorrow of my heart.
I had to go to a vet at Fuengirola and on my way I was called by a volunteer. She was crying and said she had just hit a podenco with her car. What could she do? I said: take her to my vet and I will go there when I come back from the vet in Fuengirola (another one). When the call was finished I thought that it might be the same podenca I had seen on the road as this volunteer lives around that area. When I finally arrived at the vet where they took the podenca to I saw her and YESSSSSS, there she was. She seemed to have a broken leg and some other injuries (her tail) but the xray was broken at my vet and it was late and she needed hospitalitation. By the time I arrived they had found out that Telma had a chip. They had called the owner. No reply. So the vet said: to the killingstation so they can contact the owner. I said: NO WAY!!!!! I will be responsable.
The volunteer took her to a hospital in another village and there she has stayed from Thursday till Monday. No need for surgery, nothing broken. She limps a bit but that will heal by itsself. Het tail is hanging "loose" and that also has to heal or if not, it has to be amputated.
The good news is that the volunteer who hit her has taken Telma into foster!!! This little beauty will have a happy life from now on. Only need to find a lovely family for ever!!!!

1 comentario:

  1. Pero que suerte ha tenido !! Es una preciosidad, tiene una carita muy linda
