martes, 28 de febrero de 2012

La recuperacion de Galan/ The recovery of Galan

Os acordais como llego Galan? En los huesos. El dia que llego se comio 4 cuencos llenos de comida con arroz, pollo y pienso! Pues asi ha seguido mas o menos y mirad el resultado! Esta precioso y ya se le han curado sus heridas y le esta creciendo los pelos en esas zonas. Es un perro feliz y cariñoso. Que satisfaccion verlo asi!
Remember how Galan got to the shelter? A skelet. He ate 4 full bowls of dry food, rice and chicken the day he arrived. And he has more or less continued to eat like that! Just look at the results! He looks beautifull and healthy and his hair is growing where he had his wounds. He is a happy and lovely dog. This is so satisfactory!

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