miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012

que triste/how sad

Hace un poco mas de una semana fui a la perrer para ver cuantos galgos habian entrado. Habia 8 y solo tenia sitio para 2.....Como puedes elegir? Es imposible pero hay que hacerlo.....Por la noche, pensando, decido sacar a dos hembras pero cuando fui el dia siguiente a sacarlos vi que habia un macho que tenia una inflamacion en una pata y se via que le dolia. La veterinaria se iba de vacaciones y me dijo que era dificil que alguien le tratara si no estaba ella......asi que decidi sacarlo. Estaba con otro galgo y cuando saque al de la pata inflamada este se quedo mirando: y porque me dejas aqui???? Total, tambien lo saque. Y una galguita pequeña tipo whippet que no hacia mas que llorar. Deje alli a 5 mas con todo el dolor de mi corazon. Los difundi pero sin exito. Ninguna respuesta asi que fui otra vez a la perrera hoy para sacar mas fotos y me encontre con la pena de que 2 habian muerto......solo quedan 3 alli. Son los de la foto. Adelgazan por dia y tienen la cara cada vez mas triste.....Lo he vuelto a difundir y ya he recibido alguna respuesta. Los tengo que sacar de alli como sea pero el problema de siempre: dinero. Porque los tendria que meter en pension ya que no tengo sitio en mi refugio.
About thn days ago I went to the killingstation to see how many galgos were there. I only had space for two and I found there were 8.....How can you chosse which ones you will take????Imposible. At night I decided to take out two females. Went there next day and found that a male had an injured leg. The vet was going on a weeks holiday so he wouldn´t be treated. I decided to take him. He was toghether with another galgo male and when I took out the injured one he looked like: why not me also???? Of course I took him out. And I also took an small female whippet type because she was crying all the time. I left 5 behind but emailed them around to find other people who could take them. No response at all. I went there again today to take more photos and I found that 2 of the 5 had died. The ones on the photos have survived till now but I have to take them out if not they will suffer the same bad luck. I will succeed!!! The proble is as always: money. I donot have space so have to put them in pension.....

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