domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

Otra preciosidad/Another beauty

Y esta preciosidad???? Pues deambulaba por un pueblo de Malaga y una chica me contacto. Le dije que si, que si la pudiera coger me la quedaba. Fue facil de cogerla porque es un amor. Debe de tener no mas de 1 año. Pues aqui esta, revolucionando a todos con sus juegos locos. Se llama Ayla.
And this beauty???? She was walking around in a village of Malaga. A girl spotted her and contacted me. I said that I would take her if she was able to catch her. And yes, she is not afraid and a lovely girl. She is not more than 1 year old. Well, here she is, driving the others mad with her plays. She is called Ayla.

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