sábado, 31 de diciembre de 2011
A Harry lo encontraron 2 chicas en la calle de un pueblo de Cordoba. Tenia la pata rota y estaba en los huesos. Al hacerle una radiografia de su estomago, este estaba lleno de aceitunas! Pobre amor! Lo unico que habia encontrado para comer. Se opero de la fractura de femur y se le puso una placa con 8 tornillos. Lo acogi en el refugio con la buenisma suerte que una de las voluntarios se odfrecio para acogerlo en su casa. Ahora si se recuperara pronto! Con los mimos y la buena comida se repondra! Que suerte Harry!
Harry was found in a village nearby Cordoba. He had a broken leg and was all bones. When the vet took an x ray of his stomach it was full of olives! That was the only thing he found to eat! Poor love! He had his surgery and has a plate now with 8 screws. I took him up in the shelter and he has been so lucky because one of my volunteers has taken him into foster. Now he will heal quickly and gain weight for sure! Lucky harry!
lunes, 26 de diciembre de 2011
todll those have been adopted!os estos estan adoptados/a
Gracias a las difusiones por facebook hemos encontrado muy buenas adopciones en nuestro pais. Cada vez mas se aprecia este precioso animal tambien en nuestro pais. Logicamente se hace con cuestionario pre, visita a casa. contrato y seguimiento. Podeis seguir lo que pasa en el refugio a traves de facebook: refugio galgos en familia
Thanks to facebook we have found very good adoptionsin Spain for those beauties. People here are every time more aware of the great caracter of those dogs.Of course I do a cuestionnaire, home visit, contract and follow up. You can follow what is going on in the shelter on facebook: refugio galgos en familia
sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011
de tener 17 a tener 11/from having 17 to have 11!
Tengo muchas fotos pero hay que editarlas y para eso no tengo tiempo. Gracias a mis ya muchos voluntarios no paramos de encontrar buenos adoptante, hacer cosas para recaudar dinero etc. Es un sin parar pero muy bien. Pues si, tenia sobrepoblacion pero ya se han ido 2 a Holanda, 2 en adopcion, 2 en acogida. Se iran 2 mas dentro de unas 3 semanas a su casa de adopcion asi que fenomenal. Ahora necesito parar un poco porque lo ultimo ha sido muy estresante. Tengo que llevar varios perros al veterinario, castrar/esterelizar y eso tambien requiere su tiempo. Ya tomare las riendas de nuevo dentro de poco para seguir con esta lucha.
I have many photos but they all have to be edited and I just donot have the time for it. Thanks to my now many volunteers I have found various good adoptants, aswell in Spain, they are helping me with funds (a calender for example). It is non stop but really amazing! I had overbooking at the kennel with 17 but now I only have 11. 2 to Holland, 2 adopted, 2 in foster. In two or three weeks 2 others will go to their forever home so this is really great! I have to stop now for a while (not long) because the last weeks/month have exhausted me and I have to neuter almost all of them, have to take various to the vet etc. I will take on more once this has been organised.
I have many photos but they all have to be edited and I just donot have the time for it. Thanks to my now many volunteers I have found various good adoptants, aswell in Spain, they are helping me with funds (a calender for example). It is non stop but really amazing! I had overbooking at the kennel with 17 but now I only have 11. 2 to Holland, 2 adopted, 2 in foster. In two or three weeks 2 others will go to their forever home so this is really great! I have to stop now for a while (not long) because the last weeks/month have exhausted me and I have to neuter almost all of them, have to take various to the vet etc. I will take on more once this has been organised.
lunes, 5 de diciembre de 2011
por fin!/finally!
Por fin un momento para escribir! He podidio sacarlos a todos!!! Asi he estado de liada. Analiticas, veterinario, tratamientos, recojerlos, cuidarlos, mimarlos......etc Pero saque a todos los que vi. Los ultimos 3 el miercoles pasado. Ahora mismo hay 17! Y hay bastantes dias que estoy sola para cuidarlos y eso dos veces al dia, asi que un poco agotada si que estoy, pero....FELIZ!!! Ahora hace falta encontrarles adoptantes. Ya se que habran entrado mas, seguro. Ya vere lo que puedo hacer con los siguientes. Es plena temporada.
Hoy ha sido un dia de lujo! 4 ayudantes! Aproveche para ir al vet y preparar los tratamientos para "el turno de la tarde" que me lo hacen tambien unos voluntarios. Ahora hay muchisimo trabajo.
Finally a moment to write! I have been able to safe all!! Therefor I am so busy. Tests, vet visits, treatments, pick them up, take care of them, give them love.....etc. But I have been able to take the ones I saw there out, The last 3 last wednesday. I have 17 in total now! And there are many days that I am on my own at the kennel and that twice a day, so I am a little exhausted but ....HAPPY! Now I have to find adoptions for them. I know that there are more to come or already have, for sure. I will see what I can do for them aswell. It is high season now.
Today was a luxury day! 4 volununteers to help! I took the chance and went to the vet and prepared all medicines for the afternoon shift, done by other volunteers. There is a lot to do now.
miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2011
Nuestra mascota Ronda/ Our mascot Ronda
Esta es nuestra mascota Ronda, un podenquito con quisaz algo de cruce, que se colo en el refugio de galgos. Bueno, no, es que me llamaron cuando estaba cayendo un diluvion. Estaba empapada en la calle con 5 mesesitos. Quien puede decir que no a eso? Lleva un mes y es una moneria aunque verla entre los galgos tan grandes y algunos brutos cuando juegan da un poco de susto. Pero ella ya ha encontrado donde esconderse cuando los demas la "acosan" demasiado. Luego sale de su escondite y les busca otra vez. Es un gustazo verla. Es muy graciosa y cariñosa. Lo importante ahora es encontrarle una casa de adopcion o de acogida......Vaya tarea....
This is our mascot Ronda, a puppy podenco with maybe a little mix, who slipped into the kennel. Well, no. It was so that I was called and they said that there was an abandoned podenco puppy, totally wet due to the heavy rains last months. Who can say NO to that? She has been at the shelter now for a month and is so so funny and sweet. Seeing her between the big galgos frightens a litlle bit but she is very inteligent. When it is too much for her, she knows where to hide. But then again she comes out and provoques the others to play and so on. Very sweet to watch. Now the important thing is to find her an adoption or foster home because a kennel is not a place for a puppy to grow up.
martes, 22 de noviembre de 2011
estos estan todavia en la perrera/those are still in the killingpound
Estos 3 pobres estan en la perrera y no tengo sitio para ellos. Ya se me ocurrira algo para salvarlos tambien. Seguro que si! Problema de siempre: el dinero......
Those poor 3 are still at the killing pound and I donot have space for them. But I am sure that I will find a solution! Sure, sure! Always the same problem: money.....
Hay mucho que hacer/ Lots to do
Pues si! En el ultimo mes y medio he sacado/voy a sacar a todos estos preciosos galgos! Y, por desgracia, ya no tengo mas sitios ni casas de acojida! pero estos estan a salvo. Los que se ven dentras de las rejas estan todavia en la perrera pero espero poder tener tiempo de sacarlos el sabado....!
Yes! In the last 1 1/2 month I have been able to take on all those beautifull glagos. Well, the ones behind the bars are still in the killing station but I hope to have time enough to take them out on saturday. Unfortunately I donot have more space or foster homes left, but these have been saved!
viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011
mas nuevos/more new ones
En total he sacado 4 galgos nuevos pero de 2 no tengo las fotos todavia. Estan flacos, sucios y con la tos de la perrera, como todos los que salen de alli. El macho, llamado Bruno, es terriblemente asuston. Hoy me ha mordido cuando le he tenido que levantar en brazos para meterlo en la furgoneta. Pobrecito, temblaba por todo su cuerpo. Cada vez me vuelvo a preguntar: Como pueden hacerle esto a un animal? Como sufren cuando los deje alli su verdugo! Lo peor es que he tenido que dejar alli a 7 mas, y mas que hay dentro en la zona de cuarentena. Ya ha empezado el abandono masivo y solo puedo hacer lo que puedo. Ni tengo dinero suficiente, ni espacio para todos. Que impotencia! por eso hoy es un dia por un lado feliz por haber podido salvar a 4 y por otro lado muy triste porque alli hay muchos mas que necesitan ayuda.....
I have saved 4 galgos today from the killingpound todaqy. I haven´t got photos of the other two. They are skinny, dirty and have kennel cough as all the ones I take out from that place.The male, Bruno, is totally traumatised, tembling over his whole body. He bit me when I lifted him up to put him in my van. Totally frightened poor boy. I ask myself ever time: How can you do this to an animal? They suffer so much stress when their hunter leaves them there but those people just donot care. The worst is that I have had to leave 7 behind due to lack of space, resources and there are more inside which I haven´t seen. The massive abandonement has started and I can only do what myn limits permit me to do. Not enough money and not enough space. So so sad! That is why today is, on one side, a hapy day because I have been able to save 4, and on the other a very sad one because I had to leave many behind who need help aswell......
martes, 15 de noviembre de 2011
Sky y Kim
Pude sacar a estos dos machos preciosos hace una semana. El obscuro es Kim y no tiene problemas con nada ni con nadie. El claro es Sky y tiene un miedo terrible a las peronas. Ambos estan muy flacos, como siempre cuando salen de la perrera pero ya van cojiendo peso.
I was able to take those two beautifull males out of the killing station. The dark one is Kim and he has no problem at all. The light one is Sky and he is terrified of people. Both are very thin, as always when they come out but you can see that they are gaining weight.
mas acojidas/more foster homes
De la perrera al refugio y de alli a una casa de acogida! Y esto solo en tiempo de unas semanas! Desde luego este amor se lo merecia (como otros tantos) porque tiene 8 años y se nota que no ha hecho mas que parir. Pero gracias a una voluntaria su calvaria ya termino! En el refugio se ponia al sol y cuando empezaba a hacer mas frio se metia en la caseta y se tumbaba encima de las mantas que habia alli. A Carol le dio mucha pena y a pesar de estar en el paro y tener 2 golden se la llevo a su casa en acogida. Que maravilla. La madre de Carol es la que tiene a Diana. Suponemos que Diana es hija de Mari. Son muy parecidas y llegaron juntas a la perrera y se parecen mucho. Lydia, la madre, y Carol, sacan a sus 6 perros juntos y cuando Mari y Diana se vieron se pusieron muy contentas. Quien sabe?
From the killing station to my shelter and from there to a foster home! And this has happened only in a few weeks! This sweety deserved it very much (and so others of course) because she is 8 years and you can see that she has been breeding for her whole life. But thanks to a volunteer her nightmare has now finished. At the shelter Mari was always laying in the sun and when it was colder she layed on the blankets I have in the cabinet. Carol, the girl who has fostered her, felt very sorry for her and decided to take her in foster despite of having two Golden Retrievers and no job. Admirable. Carol´s mother is fostering Diana, the pup, and we think that she is Mari´s pup because they came into the killing pound at the same time and they look very much alike. Lydia, the mother, and Carol walk their 6 dogs toghether and when Mari saw Diana it seemed that they recognised eachother. Who knows?
Seguimos salvando animalitos/ We continue to save animals
Arena y Nube viajaron a una familia de acojida en Belgica el dia 13 de Noviembre. Arena es la que pude salvar del moquillo. Teniamos un vinculo muy especial porque me pase muchas horas con ella en el veterinario y estuvo a punto de fallecer pero gracias al equipo veterinario se pudo salvar. Y fijaros, ya esta en Belgica para disfrutar de una vida feliz. Eso si que da satisfaccion! Me costo mucho despedirme de ellas, Nube es una galga fantastica! pero bueno, gracias a esto puedo salvar a mas y de eso se trata. Ya me llegaron noticias de ellas diciendo que habian llegado bien y que estaban estupendamente. Gracias a la orgaizacion Greyhounds Rescue Belgium por hacer etso posible!
Siempre se va un trocito de corazon cuando te despides de estos amores que has recuperado y cuidado con mucho mimo. Menos mal que ellos se olvidaran pronto y se adpataran enseguida a la maravillosa vida que les espera ahora. Yo si me acordare de ellos toda la vida!
Arena and Nube travelled to their foster homes on 13 November in Belgium. Arena is the one I was able to save from destemper. We had a very special cennection because we spend many hours toghether at the vets. She was at a point that we thought she would die, but this little beauty is a fighter and, tahnks to the good indications of the vet, she survived. And look, now she is living happily in a home with loving people. Tho see that gives you will to struggle further to save other lives. It was really hard for me to say goodbye to both (Nube is a sweety aswell) but that is how it must be. Now I can save more. I have already received news about them and they are adapting well. Thanks to Greyhounds Rescue Belgium to make this possible.
There always goes a little piece of your hart with them when you say goodbye but they will forget soon and they will quickly adapt to the wonderfull life from now on with lots of care and love. Fortunately they will forget soon. I yes will always remember them and miss them.
jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
Mirad a Diana/ Look at Diana
Tarde 1 dia en acostumbrarse a su nueva vida en una casa con sofa.....claro! Estando encerrada en una jaula hasta un casa...... a lo bueno se acostumbra uno pronto! Sigue con tos, a ver si el tratamiento funcione y esta niña ya se encuentre sana pronto.
It took her one day to get used to her new life in a home with a sofa....of course! Changing from a kennel to a home....well, you get used to that quickly! She still coughs, we hopethat the treatment works and that she will be healthy soon.
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