jueves, 11 de agosto de 2011

Nunca acaba/It never ends

Cuando fui el otro dia a la perrera a preparar el viaje de Amor para Barcelona me dijeron que habia entrado una galga nueva....Hoy voy para sacarle sangre para las analiticas y adivinen.....habia entrado otra.. A lo mejor os aburro porque siempre cuento lo mismo pero es que es la triste realidad. Asi que saque las fotos de las pobres dos abandonadas por su dueño, mejor dicho, verdugo, la sangre para analiticas y las desparasite y vacune. Las dos son mayorcitas (7 años la canela y 6 la negrita) y espero que alguna organizacion se apiedada de ellas, o mejor, un familia. Es duro ver que abandonen a perros jovenes como Cloe y Amor(que afortunadamente ya tienen casa de acogida, pero es peor ver a las mayorcitas que han servido a su dueño durante tantos años para terminar asi. NUNCA lo entendere. Son utensilios de usar y tirar para sus galgueros. Las dos son confiadas y buenas. A ver si tengo suerte y las puedo salvar. Tambien tienen derecho a saborear una vida mejor.


When I went the other day to the killing pound to prepare Amor´s passport to travell to Barcelona I was told that a new galga had come in so I went there today to take the blood samples for tests, vaccinate and deworm her and guess.......Yes, as usual another one had come in...I may repeat myself but this is what I find every time I go there. So I took photos of the two who had been abandonned by their owner, took blood samples, vaccinated them and dewormed them. Both of them are "oldies"(7 the cream one and 6 the black one) and I so much hope that some asociation will be able to take care of them, or, much better, an adoption or foster family. It is hard to see that they abandon young dogs but I think it is even worse for older ones. They have been serving their owners for mny years to finish like this! I will NEVER understand it. They are just tools to be used and get rid of. Both are very sweet and confident with people. I so much hope that I will be able to safe them. I will do all my best and more. They also deserve a better life.

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