Encontro la felicidad, por fin, con una buena familia de adopcion. Era asustona, como tantos de ellos. Todo por culpa de la ignorancia y maltrato que han recibido desde que nacieron por sus dueños anteriores. La abandonaron en la perrera para ser sacrificada. Afortunadamente la pude sacar. Llevaba unos 2 meses en su nueva casa y los dueños la sacaban con mucho cuidado para que no se escapara. Instrucciones damos de sobra cuando damos un animal en adopcion. En eso soy muy pesada! No pudo ser. Por un dichoso petardo pego tal brinco que se escapo con la correa y todo. La estuvieron buscando con un equipo de gente dia y noche. La llegaron a ver un momento dado al lado de una carretera pero no se dejo coger. Siguio la busqueda y el miercoles me llego la terrible noticia de que esa carretera habia sido su muerte. La encontraron en una zona donde se ve que se habia refugiado despues de haber recibido su golpe mortal. La pobre mia sufrio hasta morir. Sola!!! Esto es lo peor que puede pasar. Mi niña no tuvo la suerte de poder disfrutar de una vida digna. Cuanto la echamos de menos! Que descanses en paz mi niña preciosa. Te quiero y nunca nos olvidaremos de ti!
She finallt found happiness and love with a great family. She was a frightened girl, like so many of them who have lived with a galguero who just ognores them and mishandles them since they are born. He dropped her at the killinpound where I could fortunately rescue her. She had been living with her family since about 2 month when on Sunday 11 March I recieved the terrible new that she was lost. She heard firework and got so afraid that she runnend away with her lead still on. The family was very carefull as I always insist very much that they have to wear a special collar etc etc. They started looking for her with a big group of volunteers day and night, tireless. One day someone spotted her nearby a road but she didn´t let herself catch. The search continued till I received the terrible news on wednesday that she had been found dead! She had been hit by a car and went to the place where she had been hiding all those days! She died in agony and alone which makes it even worse.
This is the worst which can happen. So so sad. We miss you and love you dear Elsa, rest in peace! We will never forget you!
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