martes, 27 de marzo de 2012


Esta maravilla nos la encontramos esta mañana al llegar al refugio. La habian tirado por la valla. Es un cachorrito de unos 4 meses, cruce de podenco y breton. Tiene un problema en la vulva y hay que operarla para corregirlo. Por eso la han abandonado. Cuando vimos como tenia la vulva, nos temimos que habia sido maltratada. Menos mal que no fue asi. "Solo" una operacion de 300€....A ver si a esta nueva mascota del refugio le encontramos pronto un dueño que le hara olvidar haber sido desechada. Es amoroso y la hemos llamado LUNA
We found this little beauty this morning when we got to the shelter. She had been thrown over the fence.... She is a puppy of about 4 month and a podenco/breton mix. She has a problem in her vulve and has to receive surgery. That is, for sure, why they have abandoned her. When we saw her vulve we thought that she had been mistreated. Fortunately that was not the case. It is a defect she has since she was born. That is, for sure, why they have thrown her over the fence. The surgery will cost 300€..... Let´s see if we find a real good owner for her soon. For the moment being she will be looked after well. Her name is LUNA.

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2012

Elsa, mi amor/ Elsa my beloved

Encontro la felicidad, por fin, con una buena familia de adopcion. Era asustona, como tantos de ellos. Todo por culpa de la ignorancia y maltrato que han recibido desde que nacieron por sus dueños anteriores. La abandonaron en la perrera para ser sacrificada. Afortunadamente la pude sacar. Llevaba unos 2 meses en su nueva casa y los dueños la sacaban con mucho cuidado para que no se escapara. Instrucciones damos de sobra cuando damos un animal en adopcion. En eso soy muy pesada! No pudo ser. Por un dichoso petardo pego tal brinco que se escapo con la correa y todo. La estuvieron buscando con un equipo de gente dia y noche. La llegaron a ver un momento dado al lado de una carretera pero no se dejo coger. Siguio la busqueda y el miercoles me llego la terrible noticia de que esa carretera habia sido su muerte. La encontraron en una zona donde se ve que se habia refugiado despues de haber recibido su golpe mortal. La pobre mia sufrio hasta morir. Sola!!! Esto es lo peor que puede pasar. Mi niña no tuvo la suerte de poder disfrutar de una vida digna. Cuanto la echamos de menos! Que descanses en paz mi niña preciosa. Te quiero y nunca nos olvidaremos de ti!
She finallt found happiness and love with a great family. She was a frightened girl, like so many of them who have lived with a galguero who just ognores them and mishandles them since they are born. He dropped her at the killinpound where I could fortunately rescue her. She had been living with her family since about 2 month when on Sunday 11 March I recieved the terrible new that she was lost. She heard firework and got so afraid that she runnend away with her lead still on. The family was very carefull as I always insist very much that they have to wear a special collar etc etc. They started looking for her with a big group of volunteers day and night, tireless. One day someone spotted her nearby a road but she didn´t let herself catch. The search continued till I received the terrible news on wednesday that she had been found dead! She had been hit by a car and went to the place where she had been hiding all those days! She died in agony and alone which makes it even worse.
This is the worst which can happen. So so sad. We miss you and love you dear Elsa, rest in peace! We will never forget you!

jueves, 22 de marzo de 2012

muchas noticias pero poco tiempo/ much news but too little time

Todas estas preciosidades y algunos mas ya estan viviendo feliz en sus nuevas casas. Esto de las adopciones conlleva mucho trabajo y me falta el tiempo por todos lados. Pero es una gran satisfaccion ver los resultados!

All thos beauties are now living in their forever homes. So many adoptions give much work and I have no time to write too much. But it is a great satisfaccion

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2012

Finales felices/Happy endings

Hay muchas mas finales felices de los que cuento ahora, afortunadamente. Pero bueno, estos son dos de los, quisaz, mas satisfactorias por ser casos mas dificiles. Ronda, cruce de podenco que llego al refugio con 4 meses, rescatada del campo, perdida y defendiendose a tan temprana edad para poder sobrevivir. Estuvo 5 meses en el refugio y los demas galgos la tenian como juguete. A ella le encantaba por un lado, pero por otro, los galgos eran demasiado brutos y la acosaban. Suerte para Ronda haber encontrado en una de mis voluntarias su casa para siempre. Alli hay dos perritos pequeños mas con los que no para de jugar. Ha dado un cambio increible, esta niña!
Y Bruma, rescatada de un "señor" que no la queria mas y por eso ya no le daba de comer y beber.....para que? Afortunadamente una vecina la vio y la rescato y yo la acogi.
Dio positiva en leishmania, la he pinchado durante 50 dias con glucantime ademas de las pastillas ny al hacerle las analiticas hace unos dias ha dado negativo. Pero hay que estar pendiente y volver a hacerle las analiticas dentro de unos meses y seguir, por si acaso, con las pastillas.
Bueno pues, para Bruma le he encontrado una casa de acogida. Al principio le costo adaptarse pero ya es la dueña de la casa!
Ahora hay que encontrarle una casa para siempre.
Ther are much more happy endings than those I am going to write about but I think that those are really special.
Ronda, a podenco mix, arrived with only 4 months old to the shelter, rescued and trying to survive at such a young age in the middle of nowhere. She has stayed at the shelter for 5 months and the galgos had her like their toy....She loved it on one side but on the other she was like very much accused by the galgos. She has been so lucky to have been adopted by one of my volunteers. They have 2 other small dogs and Ronda has adapted very well and she is having a great time with her mates. They take her out to the countryside and she loves it! She has made a boig change and is very very happy!
Bruma: Her owner was fed up with having her so he decided not to give her food and water. Why should he? He didn´t want her. Fortunately, his neighbour loves animals and started feeding her and looking for a home for her. I took her on in my kennel, did the tests and she resulted to be posit ive in leishmania. I applied injections of glucantime during 50 days and gave her pills. Did the test last week and.....she is negative now. But nevertheless we have to continue to give her the pñills and repeat the test in a few months as it is not always totally reliable and in this case the recoverage has been very soon.
The great news for Bruma is that she is at a foster home since last week and she is doing fine: stealing food, laying on the sofa, the bed etc. Well, tipical galgo behaviour...